Intuitive Energy Art with Rosette Rouhana

Intuitive Energy Art with Rosette Rouhana

Posted by Denik Team on

1. What has driven you to be an artist?

I’ve been a practicing photographer and artist for 13 years now, it’s always been a part of my life, whether it was music, painting, photographer or writing. I came across my current practice 5 years ago when I started to implement it into my self-care routine while in recovery with my mental health. It became a meditative practice and a way to connect with art in a profound way. I use music to create movement through vibrations that interact with the ink and mediums, to create texture, and this process will lead me to sit in awe for hours as I explored different methods and allowed myself to simply enjoy the process of play, free of judgement, expectations and need for perfectionism

2. What is your medium and do you have a favorite piece?

My favourite is alcohol ink and photography. I incorporate the two at times, I love using my macro lens to get up close with the art and being able to capture different angles, textures and perspectives

I loved creating a piece called ‘Tiny Dancer’, it’s one of my favourite artworks because there’s so much hidden symbolism andmeaning in the artwork. It reminds me of passion, being in a flow state, strength, beauty and femineity.

3. How do you get through a creative block?

Creative block hits me often, and I find the best way to move through it is to bring a mindset of play. I try to go in without any end goal in mind or outcome because that can lead to unnecessary pressure. Play invites you to experiment, to enjoy the process and to let go of any worries. I also find if a particular medium isn’t working for me, I play with something else like my guitar, or my camera. Sometimes, creativity calls for diversity, and there’s mystery and excitement in the unknown when it comes to creative blocks if you can remain curious in your approach.

4. What is your biggest goal as an artist?

My biggest goal as an artist is to continue creating and exploring, and to one day open my own art and photographic studio. I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Art Therapy and would love a space that invites people to find healing and guidance through art and expressive therapies.

5. Is there any particular advice that has fueled your creative journey?

David Bowie is one of my biggest inspirations, one of my favourite quotes is ‘I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring’. A lot of the time, when I’m feeling stuck or need inspiration for creativity, I put on a Bowie record, and ask myself ‘what would Bowie do?’ There’s generally a lot of dancing and playing around with ideas that come follow that magical routine.

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